Usage: The more you make…the more you’ll make! It simple if you change the way you think about your business. With the Q-2100 Digital Lens System you have the capability of producing up to 90%+ of all the Rxs written in a typical practice. If you process only 15% of your lens needs on the system you will not see a huge impact. If you’re producing over 70% of your lens needs, you will be thrilled with your bottom line.
Pricing: clearLIGHT plus and sunSMART II should be near the top of your pricing structure. People often use acquisition cost to determine retail price, don’t make this mistake when pricing your new products. The digital lenses you produce in-house break this traditional model because you get to take the mark-up of the lens manufacture, the distributor and the wholesale lab. You need to make sure you capture all of this value in your pricing structure. This is not over charging, it is assigning a value to your acquisition of the new technology, the manufacturing of the lenses, the faster service, and the improved product quality.
Integration: Now that you can make it, its time to sell it! Ensure your entire practice is knowledgeable about the new products you have purchased. Everyone must understand why you chose to integrate digital lens technology into your practice and how to sell clearLIGHT advantage and sunSMART II. Your staff is key to maximizing your potential. This is not a niche product…this is a new way of doing business. Educate, reward, monitor, and reinforce your team’s commitment to this new lens technology and you will be successful.