IQ or EQ

Eyecare Business September 2017, by Stephanie De Long. For full article click here.

“It’s the other kind of smart,” says Travis Bradberry, Ph.D., co-founder and president of TalentSmart, a provider of emotional intelligence tests and training to more than 75% of Fortune 500 companies.

“Emotional intelligence (EQ) is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others,” explains Bradberry. Additionally, he says it is “your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships.”

TIP #1 Look Beyond IQ:

IQ is what it is—it is a fixed point for everyone. On the other hand, EQ can be developed and affects how we manage behavior, navigate workplace complexities, and make business decisions. MAKE THE CONNECTION Emotional intelligence is made up of core skills that fall under two primary competencies—personal and social. Personal competence is your ability to stay aware of your emotions and manage your behavior and tendencies. Social competence is your ability to understand other people’s moods, behavior, and motives in order to improve relationships. All can be developed to put you in better touch with yourself and others.

TIP #2 Actions, Not Words:

Great bosses believe in their people, and this belief drives them to create an environment where people thrive. They inspire trust through actions, not just words. MAKE THE CONNECTION Let’s explore a couple of characteristics that set great bosses apart and that can be developed by increasing your EQ.

TIP #3 Keep Calm:

The ability to manage emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to job performance. TalentSmart has found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress. MAKE THE CONNECTION The University of California, Berkeley, found that the onset of stress entices the brain into growing new cells responsible for improved memory. However, this is seen only when stress is intermittent. As soon as it continues beyond a few moments, it suppresses the brain’s ability to develop new cells. Fortunately, unless a lion is chasing you, the bulk of your stress is subjective and under your control.