Flash Fill Stand Maintenance

Cleaning the fill stand

  1. Clean any monomer spills and overflows immediately
  2. Wipe off the bottom of the valve at the end of every

Flash Fill Stand Trouble Shooting

No power to the fill stand

  1. Make sure the unit is plugged in and the power switch is on
  2. Check the fuses in the back of the unit

3. Call the Optical Dynamics Service Department 800-587-2743

Fill stand does not heat properly

  1. Make sure the unit is plugged in and the power switch is on
  2. Check the fuses in the back of the fill stand
  3. Call the Optical Dynamics Service Department 800-587-2743

Monomer leaking from the valve

  1. Make sure the valve is completely closed
  2. Remove the valve knob by twisting counter clockwise and pulling
  3. Make sure the two rubber gaskets are seated inside the valve needed opening
  4. Clean valve knob with IPA and lint free cloth
  5. Call the Optical Dynamics Service Department 800-587-2743

Oops, I mixed different monomers

  1. Turn unit off immediately
  2. Call the Optical Dynamics Service Department 800-587-2743




Split Job Curing Cycle

Some prescriptions will use different initialization cycles for each eye. The Q-2100 screen will show the word SPLIT when this occurs.



Split jobs require a few extra steps to complete them correctly. Fill both mold assemblies as usual and put them in the initial curing drawer with the fill port up. Press the CURE button once and the box just above the button will direct you to check for correct filter placement. Check the filters and continue when they are correctly placed.


Press the CURE  button a second time and the box will direct you to start curing the left or right assembly. The alert tone will sound when the first assembly has finished the initialization step.  Remove it and place it in the post cure station and press the POST CURE button. Place the second mold cavity in the initialization drawer of the main chamber on the proper side and press CURE to start the initialization cycle for the second assembly.

The tone will sound again when the second mold assembly is ready to be moved to the post cure station. Move the mold assembly from the main chamber to the empty post cure location in the post cure drawer. Press the POST CURE button again to stop the alert tone and continue the post cure cycle for the two cavities. The two assemblies will finish their curing cycles together. The tone will sound again when the post cure cycle is complete.

Demolding and annealing for split jobs are the same as any other job.

Understanding the Service Help Screen on your Q-2100: Codes 07, 08, 09, 10

Each line in the menu is designed to display problems for specific machine functions. When the machine cannot accomplish a function it will indicate SERVICE on that particular line.

07 Lamp Temperature

Cause: One of the lamp sections is generating too much heat

Response: (1) Follow the instructions given by the machine. (2) For any further information or if parts need to be ordered call Optical Dynamics Technical Support for further information 800-587-2743.

08 Line Voltage

Cause: Electricity is not reaching all of the components of the Q-2100

Response: (1) Follow the instructions given by the machine. (2) Make sure all power cords are securely connects. (3) For any further information or if parts need to be ordered call Optical Dynamics Technical Support 800-587-2743.

09 Communication

Cause: A communication error occurred between the Post Cure unit and one of the other system components.

Response: (1) Follow the instructions given by the machine. (2) For any further information or if parts need to be ordered call Optical Dynamics 800-587-2743.

10 Replace Hood Filter

Cause: The effective life of the air filter in the Main Chamber hood is expired. The filter must be replaced.

Response: (1) Follow the instructions given by the machine. (2) For any further information or if parts need to be ordered call Optical Dynamics 800-587-2743.

nanoCLEAR AR Alarm – Suction Rings?

Topic: My nanoCLEAR AR system was running a job when I received the following message: MOLD DID NOT RELEASE FROM SUCTION, what does this mean?

The Reason Why: The mold the system has just coated is stuck to the suction ring and is not releasing into the mold stage. As you run jobs, costing adheres to the edge of the suction ring which can become sticky making it difficult to release the mold.

The Fix: As part of daily maintenance, the suction ring should be removed at the end of each production day and inspected. If the suction ring shows coating build up, it should be cleaned and scrubbed in your Q-soak tub. The suction ring is a disposable item and should be replaced when coating cannot be easily removed. It is also good practice when placing a new suction ring on your system to clean it with the same process to ensure proper suction with the surface of the mold. Remember to always keep an extra suction ring in inventory so you can pull as needed.

Topic: My mold was going through the coating cycle when I received the following message: MOLD DROPPED DURING CYCLE

The Reason Why: The mold has released from the suction ring during the process as the suction pressure has been compromised.

The Fix: When you remove the suction ring at the end of day to inspect, check for any cracks in the surface of the ring. Overtime, the ring may become cracked, causing the suction ring to lose vacuum pressure. If this is the case, dispose of the old suction ring and replace it with a new ring. As mentioned above, remember to clean the new ring in your Q-soak tub to ensure proper suction. Always keep an extra suction ring in inventory for ongoing production.

Mold Cleaning & Storage

Molds normally have residue and flashing on the surface and edges after use. All debris must be removed before the molds can be used again successfully. Clean molds must be stored properly to ensure mold safety while not in use. Additionally, proper mold storage simplifies the picking process when the mold is needed again.

Mold should be left in the soaking containers for at least 5 minutes before cleaning.

Scrub molds thoroughly with the disposable mold scrubber supplied by Optical Dynamics. Never use other types of pads as mold damage may occur. Pay special attention to edges and segment line when cleaning. Rinse the molds with running water if it is available. If running water is not available, use a container of tap water to rinse the molds (change the rinse container water frequently). Spray the rinsed molds immediately with Q-Spray and wipe them dry. NEVER store a wet mold or permanent water spotting may occur.

It is very important that all molds are stored properly and organized. Each space in a mold storage drawer is labeled for one specific mold. Make sure the mold you place there is the right one.

Once clean and dry, read the mold designation near the edge of the mold and find the proper location in the storage unit. Put the mold back into its wrapper (to help protect from dirt and scratching) and gently put into the alloted space.

Steps to Demolding

The monomer inside the cavity has been solidified during the curing cycle. Once the curing cycle is complete, the mold cavities are demolded to expose the lens surface. The assembly should be separated while still warm. Try not to “force” molds off the lens. If a mold does not release, simply return it to the soaking container and try again.

Start with the right cavity. Peel off the gasket. Wipe the edge of the lens with a lint free cloth to remove monomer residue.

Sseparate one of the molds from the assembly with the demolding tool. Insert the tool into the notch located opposite the fill port. Only use the tool as a wedge or to pry. If a mold does not come off, soak the entire assembly for at least 30 seconds in the demolding container and try again.

Put the freed mold in the soaking container for later cleaning and place the remaining mold/lens assembly to soak for at least 1 minute. The lens will release from the remaining mold.

If the last mold does not come off after soaking in the demolding container, try to gently using the demolding tool.

Put the molds in the soaking tub and the lens back in the job tray. Repeat this process for the left side. The molds should all be in the soaking tub and the lenses in the job try when you finish this step.

Understanding the Service Help Screen on your Q-2100: Codes 04, 05, 06

Each line in the menu is designed to display problems for specific machine functions. When the machine cannot accomplish a function it will indicate SERVICE on that particular line.

04 Filament Heat Power

Cause: At lease one of the lamp filaments is not receiving continuous power. The filaments help the bulbs to light up.

Response: (1) Follow the instructions given by the machine. (2) For any further information or if parts need to be ordered call Optical Dynamics Technical Support for further information 800-587-2743.

05 Lamp On Time

Cause: The effective life of a set of lamps has been exceeded.

Response: (1) Follow the instructions given by the machine. (2) For any further information or if parts need to be ordered call Optical Dynamics Technical Support 800-587-2743.

06 Post Cure Heaters

Cause: At lease one of the Post Cure heaters is not receiving power.

Response: (1) Follow the instructions given by the machine. (2) For any further information or if parts need to be ordered call Optical Dynamics 800-587-2743.